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And Now, Deer, Close Your Eyes And Sleep!

Our greetings to deer lovers! Designed by Alesya. This creature only vaguely resembles a handsome horned creature, but Alesya confidently called him Deer.

And Now, Deer, Close Your Eyes And Sleep!

2 thoughts on “And Now, Deer, Close Your Eyes And Sleep!

  1. And my daughter said that it was an owl:)) After you posted that deer from Pablo, we call you “the lady from the computer who loves owls”. And children sometimes demand to build these owls “for that lady…”. The owls I post sometimes were mostly made like that.

    1. The Great Triangular Owl is very cute! And we periodically see deer in our local park, so children have a great desire to build them, just like flamingos. But with owls, unfortunately, it’s not so simple – somehow they don’t walk around the lawns during the day, which is a pity…

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