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Arishka’s Town

The magnetic construction set is one of the favorites. We build pyramids, towers, and castles, but recently the kids have enjoyed making panoramas. Arishka (2.3 years old) made the town with my little hints. She really loves the magnetic construction set and has been playing with a large magnetic construction set with 5 cm diameter balls for over a year. Now she has moved on to a smaller one. It’s challenging but interesting – you can’t make her stop.

Arishka's Town

14 thoughts on “Arishka’s Town

  1. This is a Canadian designer Magnetix, out of production. But you can build such a structure from any Bornimago or Geomag basic set.

    1. Tatiana, can you tell me where I can buy a magnetic board?

      1. They are everywhere, for example, on Amazon.

        1. Thanks, but they don’t have the one I wanted.

          1. Type in the search “Magnetic boards” and get this: For any taste! There are simple boards, and combined ones, and with letters and numbers…

  2. Magnetic boards – I didn’t mean ones for children. I buy magnetic boards in the office departments, they come in different sizes and different colors, I mostly have gray one. In this case, we used for construction the cover from a broken DVD player.

    1. Exactly! And in addition to two boards (one on an easel, and the other from the old magnetic alphabet of my childhood), we also actively use a baking sheet from the oven. All we need is just something metallic!

      1. Right, we also have metal boxes of various shapes and sizes for all sorts of things. And we often use a metal bowl. In general, any metal base expands the possibilities of the set.

        1. We have an easel from IKEA. But it takes up a lot of space in the room, so I only take it out occasionally. But it was such a great idea about a baking sheet! Tatiana, what size of the board should be better?

          1. We have several surfaces (boards) – an average they are about 12×15 in. And for mosaics we use wall-mounted ones – a little more than 20×25.

  3. Tatiana, how big in diameter are the balls and what is the length of the sticks? My son is 2.6 years old, I want to buy a constructor like this one, but I can’t decide whether to buy a large one first or a small one. The package of smaller ones says that they are for 6+ years old. Or is there some other “intermediate” size option? Even while he doesn’t put toys in his mouth, I’m worried about the size of the balls ….

    1. The size of the balls in this composition is 15 mm, the length of the rods is 1 inch. If the baby is 2.6 years old, provided that he does not take them into his mouth (it is dangerous not to swallow, but to suffocate), you can already buy a set. The kid himself will not build geometric structures at this age, only with the help of his mom. So, the manufacturers write “from the age of 6” – then mother’s help is not needed, he fantasizes himself. If finances allow and you want to give your child an interesting creative toy, you can also buy a large set balls, at this age it will still be interesting.

      1. Tatiana, what set this craft was made of, can you give a link to it?

  4. We bought our magnet board on Amazon.

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