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Bauer Building Set With Gears

A carousel building set with gears by Bauer. It’s very similar to Quercetti sets with gears. In this set, however, the baseplates are not similar to puzzle pieces, they look and work like Lego bricks.

Overall, this set looks similar to Lego Duplo and other building sets of this type. There are big, colorful bricks you can stack at each other. The set also has figurines, toy vehicles, trees and other extra pieces. You can build big and cute crafts even without using the gears.

The gears in this set are also big and colorful, they come in different sizes and allow you to make brick platform move and rotate. This set offers to build a carousel that you will be able to rotate using the gears. The set has 177 pieces, but not so many bricks or gears. Many building pieces are parts of the vehicles or decorations, so possibilities of building complex gear strutures are limited with just one set.

This set is a rare one – there are not so many sets that have gears and Lego-like bricks at the same time. Most building sets with gears have big puzzle-like pieces for building purposes, or the gears themselves are the building blocks.

Bauer Building Set With Gears
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Gears!Gears!Gears! Space Explorers

Space Explorers set by Gears!Gears!Gears! brand has 77 pieces. It is a relatively small set, but it has interesting extra pieces. The set has astronaut figurines and the planets that will interact and move together with the gears. There also are interlocking baseplates, poles, and, of course, gears. With this set, you can build an upright construction, add the axis pieces, and decorate your craft with the gears. Then you can turn a crank on any of these gears, and watch all the connected gears rotate.

The pieces of this set are big and sturdy, so they can survive many years of use. This set is not very complicated in its concept, so you can give it to the children you are 3 years old or older. You can also mix this set with any other Gear!Gears!Gears! set, enhancing it with extra pieces.

Learning Resources is a popular and well-known toy brand from the USA that specializes in STEM toys. Gears!Gears!Gears! is a series of building sets with moving and rotating gears in them. These gears may have different functions in different sets, but you can mix them and use them together. Gears! Gears! Gears! sets show exactly how the gear transmission works, and you can use them as a colorful and simple explanation of the gear physics.

Gears!Gears!Gears! Space Explorers
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We Also Liked The LOZ Big-Eyes

Actually, neither of my children are fans of robots. I bought the first set of Loz because of the motor and in order to look at the quality of this K’Nex-like set. But the Eyeballs charmed us completely 🙂 They run and crawl around the room so funny! And they “fight” if you direct them at one another. The robots turned out to be very similar to the Micro-Bots series from Knex. There are four sets, each with detailed instructions for one critter and a picture of a robot you can build from two sets.

We Also Liked The LOZ Big-Eyes