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Gears!Gears!Gears! Starter Set

Starter set by Gears!Gears!Gears! brand has 60 pieces – interlocking baseplates, poles, and, of course, gears. With this set, you can build an upright construction, add the axis pieces, and decorate your craft with the gears. Then you can turn a crank on any of these gears, and watch all the connected gears rotate.

The pieces of this set are big and sturdy, so they can survive many years of use. This set is not very complicated in its concept, so you can give it to the children you are 3 years old or older. You can also mix the Starter set with any other Gears!Gears!Gears! set, enhancing it with extra pieces. This set is small, so you may consider it as a test of the Gears!Gears!Gears!

Learning Resources is a popular and well-known toy brand from the USA that specializes in STEM toys. Gears! Gears! Gears! is a series of building sets with moving and rotating gears in them. These gears may have different functions in different sets, but you can mix them and use them together. Gears!Gears!Gears! sets show exactly how the gear transmission works, and you can use them as a colorful and simple explanation of the gear physics.

Gears!Gears!Gears! Starter Set
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Diversity Of The Pieces

Here I want to show our new crafts from K’Nex (during these cold weather, the children and I sat at home and played mostly with K’Nex). Our new set turned out to be a mixture of K’Nex and mini K’Nex (the kids called this set Lego-K’Nex because there are lot of Lego pieces with holes to join them to thr the mini k’nex pieces). We really liked the mini K’Nes – the parts attach to each other more easily than in a regular K’Nex, even though the crafts are not as sturdy. And it’s very interesting to connect large and small parts.

Diversity Of The Pieces
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Gears!Gears!Gears! Super Building Set

Super Building set by Gears!Gears!Gears! brand has 100 pieces – interlocking baseplates, poles, and, of course, gears. With this set, you can build an upright construction, add the axis pieces, and decorate your craft with the gears. Then you can turn a crank on any of these gears, and watch all the connected gears rotate. You can also make the parts of your craft rotate themselves. This set comes in a plastic bucket for later storage.

The pieces of this set are big and sturdy, so they can survive many years of use. This set is not very complicated in its concept, so you can give it to the children you are 3 years old or older. You can also mix this set with any other Gear!Gears!Gears! set, enhancing it with extra pieces.

Learning Resources is a popular and well-known toy brand from the USA that specializes in STEM toys. Gears!Gears!Gears! is a series of building sets with moving and rotating gears in them. These gears may have different functions in different sets, but you can mix them and use them together. Gears! Gears! Gears! sets show exactly how the gear transmission works, and you can use them as a colorful and simple explanation of the gear physics.

Gears!Gears!Gears! Super Building Set