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Tiko Hammer And Sicle

Some other Tiko toys we made – with a sudden political turn 🙂 Like all big Tiko toy items, these sicle and hammer are as big as the real ones and you can actually hold them.

Pythagoras, Tiko, and Tako are vintage building sets. They have big panels of different colors and shapes, that connect by the edges. Each piece has sockets and balls that can snap together, connecting the pieces. You can also connect the pieces of different shapes, as long as their sides match. This connection is strong enough to hold even the biggest structures together.

Because of the sockets’ form, Pythagoras and Tiko panels can form both flat surfaces and 3D shapes. The flexible joint connection means that you can connect the pieces at different angles. The bigger panels are huge – they are a few inches long, so kids can create toy hats or items to hold, and not just toys. They are sturdy enough to wear and to play with. There also are smaller pieces that can help connect the bigger pannels together or make smaller crafts. The pieces of this set have all kinds of shapes – there are different triangles, rectangles, squares, pentagons, and so on, all in different colors.

Sadly, Amazon seemingly has no sets exactly like Tiko and Pythagoras, but some very similar concepts also are interesting enough.

Tiko Hammer And Sicle
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K’NEX Flower

A 3d flower my son built from Knex 100 models set. He actually started with the 2D things before making this one.

K’Nex comes in two sizes: regular and mini K’Nex. It also includes both thick and thin rods, and some rods can connect the larger and smaller pieces together. Not all K’Nex sets include mini parts.

Like other K’Nex sets, this one features pieces that securely lock together. You can easily take apart your creations and use the pieces to build something new. Regular K’Nex pieces have stronger connections, making crafts sturdy even during active play. Mini K’Nex creations are a bit more delicate. Knex 100 models set has only regular pieces.

Although the crafts you can make with K’Nex can be quite large, some of the pieces, especially the mini ones, are very small. This can make K’Nex sets risky for small babies who might accidentally swallow the pieces. These small parts can also be a bit challenging for younger kids to assemble correctly. That’s why it’s recommended for children aged 7 and older to use K’Nex sets.

It’s also worth noting that most K’Nex sets don’t provide detailed crafting instructions. Some packages may only show completed toys as examples. However, thanks to the versatility and creative possibilities K’Nex offers, this usually isn’t a significant issue.

K'NEX Flower
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Guidecraft IO Blocks Center – Figurines 4

Guidecraft blocks center has people figurines. You can make them stand, or you can remove their legs and put them inside the sockets in the pieces.

This set is more than a building kit, this is, as the manufacturer puts it, an education system. This Guidecraft IO Blocks Center set includes building blocks and a real child-sized wooden table with storage bins!

The table in this set is very similar to the common adult tables, with the storage shelves in usual places – except these deep plastic boxes hold building toys and not papers. The table surface itself is a construction baseplate – it has holes to fix the pieces. This allows the gears to rotate in their positions, and your kids can build bigger crafts without them falling apart.

The building set itself has big, chunky pieces of different shapes. They have thick square pegs and crevices that can snap together and can connect the pieces in different positions. The set also includes bent slide pieces, axis parts, and figurines. The figures look like cubic Lego people, except they have no moving legs.

Overall, this is an ambitious and unusual set. It has great potential, but buying the whole table for just one building set brand can easily be an overkill for many families. The table itself has very specific holds, so you can’t use many sets with it – pieces from lots of building toys simply won’t match these square holes.

Guidecraft IO Blocks Center - Figurines 4
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Knexomania – Balloon

For six months now, my son and I are Knexomaniacs 🙂 This construction set is very convenient because the crafts made from it don’t break even after the most barbaric handling. We made the balloon, the rocket, the airplane and the antelope according to instructions. My son built them from his 3.5 to 4 years all on his own. We made large carousels together from Knex 100 model kit. I did part of the motor, the children did the racks and wheels. The rest is free creativity.

K’Nex exists in two sizes – regular and mini KNex. There are also mathing thick and thin rods, as well as some rods that can connect big and small flakes together. Not all K’Nex sets have mini parts, Knex 100 model kit, for example, have only regular ones.

Just like with any other K’Nex sets, this one has pieces that hold together securely. However, you can easily dismatle your crafts and create something else using the pieces. The regular K’Nex pieces have more robust connections, and crafts can survive even the most active play. Mini K’Nex crafts are slightly more fragile.

While the crafts themselves can be very big, the pieces, especially mini pieces, are very small. Because of this, K’Nex can be dangerous for small babies who can accidentaly swallow the pieces. These pieces can also be too tricky for smaller kids to assemble properly. Because of this, the recommended age for K’Nex sets is 7+ years.

It’s also important to remember that most K’Nex sets don’t have many detailed crafting instructions. Some crafting ideas packages depict may be only shown as completed toys. However, with versatility and possibilities K’Nex offers, this usually is not a big problem.

Knexomania - Balloon
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Guidecraft IO Blocks Center – Figurines 3

Guidecraft IO blocks center has people figurines. You can make them stand, or you can remove their legs and put them inside the sockets in the pieces.

This set is more than a building kit, this is, as the manufacturer puts it, an education system. This Guidecraft IO Blocks Center set includes building blocks and a real child-sized wooden table with storage bins!

The table in this set is very similar to the common adult tables, with the storage shelves in usual places – except these deep plastic boxes hold building toys and not papers. The table surface itself is a construction baseplate – it has holes to fix the pieces. This allows the gears to rotate in their positions, and your kids can build bigger crafts without them falling apart.

The building set itself has big, chunky pieces of different shapes. They have thick square pegs and crevices that can snap together and can connect the pieces in different positions. The set also includes bent slide pieces, axis parts, and figurines. The figures look like cubic Lego people, except they have no moving legs.

Overall, this is an ambitious and unusual set. It has great potential, but buying the whole table for just one building set brand can easily be an overkill for many families. The table itself has very specific holds, so you can’t use many sets with it – pieces from lots of building toys simply won’t match these square holes.

Guidecraft IO Blocks Center - Figurines 3
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Guidecraft IO Blocks Center – Figurines 2

Guidecraft blocks center has people figurines. You can make them stand, or you can remove their legs and put them inside the sockets in the pieces.

This set is more than a building kit, this is, as the manufacturer puts it, an education system. This Guidecraft IO Blocks Center set includes building blocks and a real child-sized wooden table with storage bins!

The table in this set is very similar to the common adult tables, with the storage shelves in usual places – except these deep plastic boxes hold building toys and not papers. The table surface itself is a construction baseplate – it has holes to fix the pieces. This allows the gears to rotate in their positions, and your kids can build bigger crafts without them falling apart.

The building set itself has big, chunky pieces of different shapes. They have thick square pegs and crevices that can snap together and can connect the pieces in different positions. The set also includes bent slide pieces, axis parts, and figurines. The figures look like cubic Lego people, except they have no moving legs.

Overall, this is an ambitious and unusual set. It has great potential, but buying the whole table for just one building set brand can easily be an overkill for many families. The table itself has very specific holds, so you can’t use many sets with it – pieces from lots of building toys simply won’t match these square holes.

Guidecraft IO Blocks Center - Figurines 2
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PLUS PLUS 240 Piece Basic Mix Contents

This is a basic type of the Plus Plus sets – with 240 pieces in a plastic tube. There are many different colors and themes of Plus Plus Tube sets. This is a basic color set – the most basic introduction to Plus Plus possible.

Danish Plus Plus sets are among the most popular and well-known “waffle” building sets. Almost all pieces in these sets are exactly the same – except for the wheels and the baseplates. However, even with only the basic pieces, you can build almost anything.

All basic pieces have exactly the same shape and size – they look like two pluses joined together, hence the brand name. Each piece has two pegs on the long sides one peg on the short sides, and the matching empty spaces. The pieces are thick, so the pegs are as thick as they are long. Because of this, you can connect the pieces in any direction, they will hold well all the same. So you can build both 2D mosaics and all kinds of 3D shapes, connecting the pieces vertically, horizontally, or even with an angle. The Danish schools use Plus Plus kits as an educational tool. They help teach kids basic STEAM skills and help them develop fine motorics and creativity.

To add some difference and more variety to the crafts, the Plus Plus brand offers countless sets with different numbers and colors of the pieces. There are pieces of different colors and hues, glowing pieces, pieces with glitter, and so on. The sets also may include any number of the Plus Plus pieces. There are also both small traveling kits and big gift sets.

PLUS PLUS 240 Piece Basic Mix Contents
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Waffle Block Scorpion

Waffle blocks are very popular type of plastic building blocks. In these sets, each piece have pegs and square holes, and you can connect pieces in multiple ways to build both 2D and 3D crafts. The bricks connect to each other seamlessly, almost like in a jigsaw puzzle, so you can make endless combinations in any order you want. There are many brands of waffle building blocks, Gakken and Plus Plus are the most popular and well-known ones. This, however, is rarer vintage building blocks kit.

Blocks by different manufacturers may look different. In Plus Plus sets, for example, all blocks are exactly the same, the only difference is color. This vintage building blocks kit, however, has pieces of differnet shapes, and some extras, like figurines or wheels. There are also a number of long, bar-like pieces that help connect waffle blocks together. You can stack many waffles on one bar, which helps to create thick and solid crafts.

The waffle blocks themselves are small, each side of a block has only one or two pegs. Some blocks has H-shape and no pegs at all on some sides. This is a downside, because you can’t connect anything on these sides. Sometimes, however, these pieces are very handy, because you can stuck them in small openings to support the craft around it. It all other regards, it is a typical waffle block building kit with small pieces.

Waffle Block Scorpion
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Tiko Traffic Lights

The forest is probably the best place for these traffic lights – sadly, Tiko panels can’t change colors…

Pythagoras, Tiko, and Tako are vintage building sets. They have big panels of different colors and shapes, that connect by the edges. Each piece has sockets and balls that can snap together, connecting the pieces. You can also connect the pieces of different shapes, as long as their sides match. This connection is strong enough to hold even the biggest structures together.

Because of the sockets’ form, Pythagoras and Tiko panels can form both flat surfaces and 3D shapes. The flexible joint connection means that you can connect the pieces at different angles. The bigger panels are huge – they are a few inches long, so kids can create toy hats or items to hold, and not just toys. They are sturdy enough to wear and to play with. There also are smaller pieces that can help connect the bigger pannels together or make smaller crafts. The pieces of this set have all kinds of shapes – there are different triangles, rectangles, squares, pentagons, and so on, all in different colors.

Sadly, Amazon seemingly has no sets exactly like Tiko and Pythagoras, but some very similar concepts also are interesting enough.

Tiko Traffic Lights