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Gakken Building Set – Gears

This one is a Japanese Bulldozer from a Gakken Gears set.

Unlike Plus Plus waffle blocks, Gakken blocks have pieces of many different shapes. They have round and curved pieces, long beams and H-like pieces. The empty spaces inside the blocks also can have different sizes and shapes, so you can stack inside different pieces in different positions. All this allows even more building possibilities than the waffle blocks sets with similar pieces. However, some pieces have less connection opgtions, because they don’t have pegs on the sides, or have only one hole.

Gakken brand appeared in Tokyo back in 1946 when it became an important component of Japan’s post-war efforts to rebuild the nation. Back then, it became incredible important to properly raise a new generation that will be able to create a better future.

The founder and educator, Hideto Furuoka, created first Gakken waffle buidling blocks. He later told that his inspiration was traditional Japanese wooden houses. There he saw an idea of flat blocks people can took apart and rebuild again when they need to. So he decided to create a toy which repeats this principle. Children can connect these Japanese waffle building blocks, stack them, lay them, plug, or tuck blocks in different orientations, for example, horizontally, vertically, and diagonally.

Gakken Building Set - Gears
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Clics Glitter Carousel Set 90 Pieces

This set exceeded all expectations! My daughter doesn’t really like building sets. She plays only with her older brother or with me, never herself, and she is also firmly believes that construction sets are for boys :). It’s is impossible to convince her otherwise). And then there’s the glitter thing. “Oh, is this for girls?!”. She was glued to this set for two days (I also bought a glitter bucket). She made all the models herself (she is 5 years old), I just helped bend and insert the arcs for the carousel. Clics Glitter carousel set has an auxiliary part, a rotary block, it’s a very interesting thing. Thanks to it you can build carousels and other spinning attractions. But it turned out that all the Clics figurines for boys… There are pirates some characters with mustaches and beards. There are other dolls riding in the carousel for now, but maybe the manufacturer will release Clics princesses, Clics girls and maybe even Clics animals?

The second set I bought was a Glitter Bucket set, which is just a common Clics set with some glitter pieces. It has wheels, but no axis pieces. So it’s very similar to the medium-sized non-glitter sets.

Clics Glitter Carousel Set 90 Pieces
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Tiko Castle

An ancient castle we built from the Tiko panels.

Tiko is a vintage building set, just like Tako. But, unlike Tako, Tiko pieces are solid panels of different shapes. They also connect by the edges – each edge has some sockets and some balls at regular intervals. Together, the balls and sockets form joints, so you can connect the pieces at different angles. The pieces themselves have different sizes – some are palm-sized, and others are smaller. But it’s possible to connect the pieces of different sizes, as long as the sockets match. Some big pieces have open centers – and these openings also have sockets, so you can add something there.

Since some Tiko pieces are so big, you can easily make crafts that are as tall as a 10-year-old child, and parts will actually hold together. Or you can make flat mosaics if you want to, and then roll them to make a 3D figure. There are no people figurines or decorations, but the building possibilities are endless. With Tiko, can create abstract shapes, buildings, toy furniture, and even something they can wear themselves. It’s a pity this set isn’t available to buy anymore, but there are some similar toys with the same basic concepts.

Tiko Castle
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Gakken New Block Shinkansen – A Train And A Building Set

Japan has been inextricably linked with the Shinkansen for half a century. So this theme is also reflected in children’s construction sets. This is Gakken New Block Shinkansen set.

Unlike Plus Plus waffle blocks, Gakken blocks have pieces of many different shapes. They have round and curved pieces, long beams and H-like pieces. The empty spaces inside the blocks also can have different sizes and shapes, so you can stack inside different pieces in different positions. All this allows even more building possibilities than the waffle blocks sets with similar pieces. However, some pieces have less connection opgtions, because they don’t have pegs on the sides, or have only one hole.

Gakken brand appeared in Tokyo back in 1946 when it became an important component of Japan’s post-war efforts to rebuild the nation. Back then, it became incredible important to properly raise a new generation that will be able to create a better future.

The founder and educator, Hideto Furuoka, created first Gakken waffle buidling blocks. He later told that his inspiration was traditional Japanese wooden houses. There he saw an idea of flat blocks people can took apart and rebuild again when they need to. So he decided to create a toy which repeats this principle. Children can connect these Japanese waffle building blocks, stack them, lay them, plug, or tuck blocks in different orientations, for example, horizontally, vertically, and diagonally.

Gakken New Block Shinkansen - A Train And A Building Set
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Spaghetteez Building Set – Hats

Adding the wheels on a headpiece is a great idea. This photo of hats from a Spaghetteez building set was made by the manufacturer.

Spaghetteez is a unique brand of building sets with flexible tubes. Basic Spaghetteez pieces are plastic straws of different lengths, and they not only bend very well but also keep whatever shape you twist them into. They can bend again and again to form a flat surface, they can wrap around each other, form knots, and so on.

All the straws have special connectors on their ends, so you can connect any straws together, or loop a straw by connecting its own ends. The sets also have special connectors that will hold the straws together at certain angles or side by side. Or, if you need to connect two straws by their middles, you can just tie them together.

Just like any other straw, the Spagheettez set allows you to create lightweight and hollow shapes. However, these straws can hold together upright if your craft’s shape allows it. For example, you can create an animal, and it will actually stand on its legs. The Spaghetteez sets also include wheels, so you can create a vehicle and actually roll it around.

Unlike with many other sets with straws, you can’t cut Spaghetteez straws and continue to connect them. Spaghetteez straws have special connecting pieces on their ends, so they won’t be able to connect if you cut the end off. Because of this, the sets have many straws of different lengths.

Spaghetteez Building Set - Hats
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Gakken Sawmill

We have a new wave of construction from the Japanese Gakken set and similar sets. My son, 4.4 years old, makes a lot of things from the construction set – both the simplest things and complex ones. These diving mask, a watering can and a sawmill are the most recent examples. In this machine, the lighter blue part is moving along the dark blue one. It is pressing the material being cut to the sawing discs))))

Gakken are probably one of the most popular “waffle” blocks sets. The Gakken sets have many different forms and shapes of the blocks. There are arched blocks, blocks with different numbers of pegs on different sides, and figurines. There are also some pieces that can work like the rails for the Japanese Gakken set trains. That same pieces are just as thick as any other Gakken blosk, and you can use them in many ways, not just for building rails.

Gakken are Japanese sets, and Japanese Amazon have bigger choise of them. But the shipping may be long and expensive. In countries that are far from Japan, finding these sets can be more tricky, but there are plenty of sets that have pieces of the same shapes.

Original Gakken New Blocks were invented in Japan in 1960s. They original purpose was education and helping children develop imagination and fine motorics. Gakken quickly became popelar in Japan, and they are one of the oldest “waffle” blocks that are still around. There are many sets that try to repeat Gakken concept, but not all of them have this high quality. Another similar set brand is Danish Plus Plus, but in Plus Plus all the pieces have the same shape.

Gakken Sawmill
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K’NEX 35 Model Building Set – Butterfly

This 480-piece K’Nex 35 model set has big and small flake-like pieces. There are also mathing thick and thin rods, as well as some rods that can connect big and small flakes together. Not all K’Nex sets have these special pieces.

Another good thing about this kit is that comes with a storage box that is big enough to hold many proposed crafts inside. With this box, you can place the half-made toy inside and later continue to work on it.

Just like with any other K’Nex sets, this one has pieces that hold together securely. However, you can easily dismatle your crafts and create something else using the pieces. The regular K’Nex pieces have more robust connections, and crafts can survive even the most active play. Mini K’Nex crafts are slightly more fragile. K’NEX 35 model set has pieces of the both sizes

While the crafts themselves can be very big, the pieces, especially mini pieces, are very small. Because of this, K’Nex can be dangerous for small babies who can accidentaly swallow the pieces. These pieces can also be too tricky for smaller kids to assemble properly. Because of this, the recommended age for K’Nex sets is 7+ years.

K’NEX 35 Model Building Set - Butterfly

Another craft from the same set.

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Septhope Macaron Building Gears

Macaron building gears by Septhope are a version of a popular type of building set. The gears in this one are not rotating on top of some structure – they are the basic building blocks of the set. The gears connect if you interlock the pins, or if you stack them. With these simple connections, you can build different shapes and mosaics. This set includes 120 pieces in light, gentle colors – hence the set’s name.

All the gears have the same shape and size, the only difference is the color. However, there are still many possibilities to build, especially if you have many pieces. The gears can also interlock if you connect them at an angle. Sadly, the possibilities to build a moving toy are very limited, because the gears can’t really move once they connect. The only movement these gears are capable of after assembly is slight rotation, and it’s only possible if you connect them axis-to-axis. There are also no extra pieces or decorations, so the gears are the only things you have to work with.

The gears themselves are rather big, they are safe for the small children to play with. They also can hold together even in a very big craft without falling apart.

Septhope Macaron Building Gears