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Clics Fire Brigade

The red car kept my 3-year-old son glued to the computer screen for a long time, and then me. We spent a long time trying to figure out which of the 3 Clics Fire Brigade sets would be better for the younger generation. Clics made several versions of sets with firefighters and police. Small sets in cardboard boxes with simpler models (8 options in each set) – fire and police cars, boats, airplanes.

By the way, these sets also have an unique part – an insert with a proppeler. And each set contains flashing lights! The larger and more complex sets come in round buckets, and have large wheels. With the large sets you can build not only vehicles, but also fire stations and police stations. And another unique thing are sets in boxes, which themselves are made from mega-Clics parts about 12 inches long. It’s not entirely clear if you can dismantle these large boxes into pieces, but the idea looks interesting to me. We are very happy about any unusual Clics sets, since we love Clics, we have been playing it for many years. It always in demand among children, but Clics has not had any new ideas recently.

Clics Fire Brigade

4 thoughts on “Clics Fire Brigade

  1. Thank for the information, Tatiana! These sets are very interesting! My son is in his Clics phase right now, he will appreciate a firefighter set.

    1. We saw them recently and were very happy, the girls said that their younger brother just definitely needs a car like that :))) It’s a pity that Amazon Clics store doen’t have some of the sets anymore…

      1. Yes, it’s a pity 🙁 These sets are great.

        1. The kits also have 2 types of propellers – for firefighting/police aircraft and ships. We bought a set with firefighters 🙂 we are waiting for the right moment for construction, after 🙂 The large set includes instructions in a booklet – it’s very convenient!

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