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Clics Glitter Carousel Set 90 Pieces

This set exceeded all expectations! My daughter doesn’t really like building sets. She plays only with her older brother or with me, never herself, and she is also firmly believes that construction sets are for boys :). It’s is impossible to convince her otherwise). And then there’s the glitter thing. “Oh, is this for girls?!”. She was glued to this set for two days (I also bought a glitter bucket). She made all the models herself (she is 5 years old), I just helped bend and insert the arcs for the carousel. Clics Glitter carousel set has an auxiliary part, a rotary block, it’s a very interesting thing. Thanks to it you can build carousels and other spinning attractions. But it turned out that all the Clics figurines for boys… There are pirates some characters with mustaches and beards. There are other dolls riding in the carousel for now, but maybe the manufacturer will release Clics princesses, Clics girls and maybe even Clics animals?

The second set I bought was a Glitter Bucket set, which is just a common Clics set with some glitter pieces. It has wheels, but no axis pieces. So it’s very similar to the medium-sized non-glitter sets.

Clics Glitter Carousel Set 90 Pieces

3 thoughts on “Clics Glitter Carousel Set 90 Pieces

  1. I ordered it for my daughters 6 years old and 3.5 years old. The youngest just watched us building and played with the assembled carousel. I helped the oldest to build all the time. The wheels of the carousel don’t spin, i.e. it doesn’t roll on the floor, and it upsets the girls. But the carousel itself spins well.

    1. The cars always roll just fine, but the picture for this set shows the wrong way to attach the wheels. The axle is inserted not from the side, but directly in the middle of the part. It’s strange, but the fact remains – the manufacturer gave the wrong picture 🙁 Look at the finished crafts online, it will give you the idea of what I’m talking about.

      1. Thank you, we’ll try it ))

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