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K’Nex Airplane

We purchased K’Nex big building set recently and still haven’t really mastered it. I thought about purchasing it for a very long time. It looked really similar to Lego Technic, and I thought that my son wouldn’t play with it. In the end, we bought 2 complex sets for our 12-year-old son and a simple set for our 5-year-old daughter. The set turned out to be interesting, my daughters liked it.

The K’Nex construction set was invented by Joel Glickman, who, while bored at a party, twirled cocktail straws in his hands and tried to connect them in different ways. This is how he got the idea of the set – flexible sticks and their possible rigid connections. The set first appeared in 1993 in the USA. You can read about the features of the parts on Wikipedia. Since 2001, the manufacturer added the Lego-type parts in the construction set for greater variability in designs, especially with space themes. This was connected to the release by Lego of the Star Wars series. You can check the entire variety of K’Nex for children aged 2 years and older on the K’Nex website.

We made this craft from K’Nex pieces of regular size, because K’Nex big building set don’t have mini pieces. All mini pieces we have come from other sets.

K'Nex Airplane

1 thought on “K’Nex Airplane

  1. I regret that we saw this! Now we too want this set…

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