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K’NEX Car Front View

K’Nex racing car from the Knex 100 crafts kit. This craft is minimalistic compared to our plane, it is mostly plastic rods forming the shape of the car. But it still rolls like any other toy.

K’Nex exists in two sizes – regular and mini KNex. There are also mathing thick and thin rods, as well as some rods that can connect big and small flakes together. Not all K’Nex sets have mini parts. Knex 100 crafts kit has regular pieces.

Just like with any other K’Nex sets, this one has pieces that hold together securely. However, you can easily dismatle your crafts and create something else using the pieces. The regular K’Nex pieces have more robust connections, and crafts can survive even the most active play. Mini K’Nex crafts are slightly more fragile.

While the crafts themselves can be very big, the pieces, especially mini pieces, are very small. Because of this, K’Nex can be dangerous for small babies who can accidentaly swallow the pieces. These pieces can also be too tricky for smaller kids to assemble properly. Because of this, the recommended age for K’Nex sets is 7+ years.

It’s also important to remember that most K’Nex sets don’t have many detailed crafting instructions. Some crafting ideas packages depict may be only shown as completed toys. However, with versatility and possibilities K’Nex offers, this usually is not a big problem.

K'NEX Car Front View

3 thoughts on “K’NEX Car Front View

  1. There are so many ways to build a car with these sets, it’s amazing!

    1. I saw a pictures of a real-sized bicycle some boy made from few thousands of K’Nex.

      1. Kids will surely love the idea of having thousands of K’Nex, but parents may have an objection or two…

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