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K’NEX Flower Vase

This flower vase is an another craft we made by the scheme from K’Nex site. The bird holds onto the rod sticking from the little motor and it flies around the flowers.

K'NEX Flower Vase

3 thoughts on “K’NEX Flower Vase

  1. Graet bouquet! The grey and white flower especially impressed us. But I can’t understand – is it mini K’Nex or the standard one?

    1. Thank you 🙂 This is standard size, only the orange and black flower is from mini K’Nex. The orange one has a Lego-like blocks connectors.

  2. You just shocked us with the quantity of your crafts and splash of your fanstasy. I need to show your crafts to my kids, so they will interest in K’Nex again.

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