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Not Clics, But Very Similar

I bought this Clics clone because of it small price. The pieces turned out to be 3 mm smaller than original Clics, but of great quality. Maybe it will be useful for someone.

ClicsToys is a Belgian company that was established in 2001. It makes the well-known Clics building blocks in its own factory in Kempen. Clics building sets have square pieces of identical form and shape. They easily connect at their edges, creating joints you can move.
With These plastic squares, you can create surfaces and fold them into 3D shapes. There are endless possibilities, even though Clics have very few extra pieces and accessories. Some sets have wheels and decorative panels, but this is pretty much it. On the other hand, Clics sets usually have many pieces, so you can create something truly complicated from just one set.
Since the basic pieces of Clics are squares, all the basic forms you can assemble from it are cubic or brick-like. However, thanks to the movable joints, you can assemble them at different angles, creating different shapes.
There are ways to create triangular or sloping figures if you assemble the pieces just right. The cubes, however, are the most sturdy and reliable structures this set can offer. There are also a possibility of creating a flat mosaic, combining the pieces of different colors. There are also many Clics clone sets of different quality.

Not Clics, But Very Similar

9 thoughts on “Not Clics, But Very Similar

  1. The set you bought looks like it can be a fake CLICS. Can you please tell where did you bought it, what is the name and if there an address on the box? The main Clics office in Belgium fight the fake sets, they will be thankful for the information.

    1. We don’t have the box anymore, but I don’t think it had the manufacturer’s info. It only said that the said was made in China.

  2. By the way, there is a Chinece Clics clone called Multicolor Tukzar.

    1. And we have a clone of Bristle Blocks. I wouldn’t recommend buying it as the separate set, but as an addition it’s not bad at all.

      1. I mean, it a clone by Tukzar.

        1. So are Clics and Tukzar compartible, can you use them together? Or they have different size?

  3. Tatiana, sorry, I misled you: recently, we bought a brittle set by Tukzar. It’s really nice as an addition to Bristle Blocks.

    1. Ah, got it 🙂 it’s no wonder it’s easy to get confused here – Tukzar is clearly not a Chinese word, but a Chinese clone :))) But it seems that everybody clone the bristle blocks, not only the Chinese :))) Please share the details when you’ll have the spare time : )

      1. Surely we will, we checked this set out already.

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