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Our Favourite Playmobil

I saw it in some building kit section, but I think it is more a toy for a story-based play. This is why we love to play with it so much.

Our Favourite Playmobil

12 thoughts on “Our Favourite Playmobil

  1. Kate, please tell, where you bought this set? I don’t think I saw this exact set in Playmobil store on Amazon.

  2. This is not a building kit, of course, even though you need to assemble something in different sets. I really like the sophistication of Playmobil parts and how interchangeable they are. And all these different themes . And the ability to complement your sets with some other sets. One of the best story toys I’ve ever seen. The only downside is the price 🙁

  3. My daughter is a fan of story toys. I’ve already picked an addition to this set, we’ll buy a Zoo set with dolphins, it’s available on Amazon right now. Janet, we bought this set some time ago, maybe they don’t sell it anymore?

    1. There is no name on the box, only the number 4095 and age 4+. I can post a photo of the box if needed.

      1. I posted the photo of the box.

  4. This set is called PLAYMOBIL 4095 HUGE ANIMAL PARADISE. I saw it on (100 pounds) and on the German site (50 euros).

  5. Kate, thanks for the photos of this set. This is perhaps one of the most interesting animal-themed Playmobil sets, and very few people know about it. But it seems that we, too, will got it, we just have to wait until it is transferred to us from Germany. As for where to buy, there were offers on, but also a lot of sets, even new ones, are sold on (however, very few sellers ship them outside of Germany).

    1. You’re welcome!

  6. Tatiana, do you also have this PLAYMOBIL 4095 HUGE ANIMAL PARADISE set?

    1. Tatiana, sorry for writing here. I just can’t find your comments on the IKEA wooden railway you enhanced with another railway with flexible wooden bridges. Can you give me a link to this post? I can’t remember the name of the company that makes wooded railroads like IKEA. You also wrote that they are more or less compatible and gave a link to a site with this roads. I want to buy some.

      1. No, I didn’t buy it – we have a lot of animals and landscape elements from other sets. They don’t even lie in sets anymore, but in boxes – like a box of animals, people, stones and rocks, etc. + houses + cars + one of the sons has a military-knightly theme. Playmobil is everywhere … So, despite all the charm of this set, I didn’t purchase it.

        1. No, it was Jane who enhanced a set with flexible rails, we don’t have those 🙁 I think it was in Railroad section of this site, among the posts about extra railroad pieces.

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