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Supercolor GEOMAG Panels

Along with the classic sets with the panels, Geomag also has a line of very similar sets, but in different colors. These Supercolor sets have pieces of different colors, while Classic sets come with 2-3 colors in each box. The general concepts and available sizes, however, are all the same.

Supercolor GEOMAG Panels
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Orange GEOMAG Classic Panels

Many Geomag sets with balls and rods also have special panels to fill the gaps between the rods. These panels make the final craft look more solid, adding surfaces to the empty construction. There are many Geomag sets with these panels of different shapes and colors. This classic panel set with 200 pieces is the biggest of its type. This set is orange and red, while smaller sets of this type, for some reason, come in green and blue. The set includes triangle, square and pentagon panels, along with balls and rods to build from.

Orange GEOMAG Classic Panels
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Geomag MECHANICS Platforms

Another photo of rotating pieces from Geomag Mechaics set. You can assemble these platforms and beams in different ways, and they will move and turn. The round holes on platform’s surface is for Geomag balls. You can add magnet rods on another side to fixate them in place.

Geomag MECHANICS Platforms