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From the Geomag construction set

The two figures are Danny himself and his grandpa. Initially, the grandpa figure was twice the size, but the magnets were strong, and the grandpa kept trying to attract to something all the time, so we decided to reduce his size to match that of his grandson.

From the Geomag construction set
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Geomag Kids

We unexpectedly got a new construction set – Geomag Kids Panels. We liked the length of the rods – 58mm. And we preferred the set with green, blue, and transparent panels. However, there is also a cute yellow-orange-red variant in the catalog. The panels attach well and hold securely. The set has an adequate number of triangles and squares, but there are a bit too few rods. Almost all the rods from the set were used for the castle. So, we are urgently looking for a reason to purchase the next set. The box is very colorful, so we decided to photograph the construction against its backdrop, and my son added some life to the castle with a Playmobil knight.

Geomag Kids
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Geomag Color Set

This is essentially a basic Geomag with colorful magnetic rods and metal balls. Only panels these sets have are solid base plates which help to hold the craft together. There are many sizes of Color sets, and, as it often is with Geomag, sets of different sizes have different colors. This photo shows the biggest Color set.

Geomag Color Set