Another motorized craft made from Thrill Ride set.

Another motorized craft made from Thrill Ride set.
We love these K’Nex blocks – including these small ones you can use as a mosaic.
The last time we bought Knex in bulk, on E-Bay. And the generous seller, having learned the age of my children, also added a set of Knex mosaics and Knex Lego. My daughter always likes Knex-Lego – she doesn’t like regular Lego, but this one has softer parts and rounded corners and the pieces connections are a little stronger.
This K’Nex bird flaps its wings if you rotate the crank.
The tank’s turret rotates up to 360 degrees.
This is one of many K’Nex sets offering to build carnival rides. This set is a big one, it has 744 pieces, mostly classic K’Nex building pieces. there areno decorations to speak of, but the set has a small motor and some gears, so you can build moving crafts.
The fish’s month opens and closes when you rolls the fish around.
Our K’Nex bird cage and K’Nex birds.
A bat from our K’Nex exhibition. We planned to hang it on a thread, but couldt find a good place in this room.
Just like the real baby ostriches, this one is mostly legs and very little else.