A mouse mask my daughter made. It’s impossible to wear, but it still looks impressive.

A mouse mask my daughter made. It’s impossible to wear, but it still looks impressive.
A K’Nex picture my daughter made from K’Nex and mini K’Nex pieces.
This set has 395 pieces and offers 60 different crafts. It has classic K’Nex pieces – flakes, rigid and flexible rods, and rolling wheels. It’s a good basic K’Nex set with almost unlimited possibilities. Unlike some bigger sets, this one has no electric parts.
Mini K’Nex goes along with Playmobil sets pretty well – figurine’s hand firmly holds on small pieces. We made this teeter-totter by the manual, and then we built the swings. Then we run out of small pieces, so we had to built the carousel from the regular ones.
Another craft with Playmobil figurines and everything else from K’Nex. They go along surprisingly well.
A small K’Nex carousel we made for Playmobil figurines.
Another experiment the Roller Coaster K’Nex set offers.
Another building my kids made for they Italian holiday game.
Another roller coaster made from K’Nex education set. It has classic K’Nex pieces, as well as rarer railroad pieces.
For a long time, my kids didn’t play the story-based games with building kits. They only wanted to build something, ttake it down and build again. But then they discovered that they can build scenes to play with other toys. This is the Leaning Tower of Pisa they made for a game about Italian holiday, along with Pirelli Tower.