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Castle For A Crab

Daughters fell in love with Magna-Tiles. The older one builds palaces and her beloved robots and dogs from it, and the younger one builds roads and houses. This building kit, of course, is very successful. I must say that this is the only building kit that we managed to buy in America in a real store. All the rest of our Wishlist (Kid”s Knex and even Canadian I-Gami) we could purchase only in online stores. Our neighbours who also have children have never heard of Knex, which is very weird.

Castle For A Crab
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This is a very interesting Magna-Tiles set with unique X-shaped tiles. Magnet in these tiles are not fixed in place – they can move around within certain area within the tile. Because of this, you can attach X-pieces in more ways than common magnet tiles this set also has.

Here is one of the crafts made from the X-tiles. Note how they stay fixed in overlapped position.

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Arion Rufus – The Red Slug

In October we walked in the forest, where we often actively watched the life of the red slugs – harmless and slow, but large creatures – 8-10 cm long. Entire crowds of these red creatures moved through the autumn leaves. 3-year-old Alesya participated in the observation more than anyone and all the time palmed them off some leaves to eat. The slugs were evading the treat and trying to escape…
Recently we found pictures of them on the Internet. And Alesya built her favorite creature from the building kit.

Arion Rufus - The Red Slug
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Magna-Tiles Magnetic Cars

The set arrived in a flat cardboard box, which was not very convenient to store the toys. So I put the parts in a plastic box with latches. But I cut out the models offered on the box and use them as small cards with samples (I think that the ability to assemble something according to the model is necessary for children). A total of 20 models are offered for assembly.

Magna-Tiles Magnetic Cars
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MAGNA-TILES brand was found back in 1997 and became one of the most popular magnetic toy brands. This company specializes on magnetic building kits, and most its kit contain magnetic tiles as main pieces. Some sets made by MAGNA-TILES have only classic pieces of all colors, while others have special details like magnetic animal figurines.

There is also a Magna-Qubix type of sets, with cubic magnetic blocks instead of flat tiles.