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Waffle Blocks Bridges

Yet another Malysh building set craft we made.

Waffle blocks are very popular type of plastic building blocks. In these sets, each piece have pegs and square holes, and you can connect pieces in multiple ways to build both 2D and 3D crafts. The bricks connect to each other seamlessly, almost like in a jigsaw puzzle, so you can make endless combinations in any order you want. There are many brands of waffle building blocks, Gakken and Plus Plus are the most popular and well-known ones. This, however, is rarer Malysh building set craft.

Blocks by different manufacturers may look different. In Plus Plus sets, for example, all blocks are exactly the same, the only difference is color. This old ex-USSR set, however, has pieces of differnet shapes, and some extras, like figurines or wheels. There are also a number of long, bar-like pieces that help connect waffle blocks together. You can stack many waffles on one bar, which helps to create thick and solid crafts.

The waffle blocks themselves are small, each side of a block has only one or two pegs. Some blocks has H-shape and no pegs at all on some sides. This is a downside, because you can’t connect anything on these sides. Sometimes, however, these pieces are very handy, because you can stuck them in small openings to support the craft around it. It all other regards, it is a typical waffle block building kit with small pieces.

Waffle Blocks Bridges

7 thoughts on “Waffle Blocks Bridges

  1. We liked the bridges! They are so unusual and interesting!

    1. Thank you! I will pass it on to my son (these waffle blocks are his favourite toys since he was 3 years old).

  2. For some reason, the private message failed… So I will write it here. I decided to order Gakken blocks for my son (3 years old). I saw advises to buy a big set if possible. So my question is – will it make sence to buy some other sets for the extra pieces, or one big set will be enough?

    1. Sorry for my interruption, but if I bought Lasy set beforehand, I probably didn’t bought Gakken at all.

      1. My opinion – a big bag of gakken will be enough. They a big, bright, interesting for a 3-years-old and easy to handle. But Gakken is at its best when you have 120+ pieces. There are many models you can build with this number. Good luck!

        1. Thank you. I also saw that tha Gakken sets don’t have triangular pieces (unlike some other “waffle” sets). Can we build a house with a sloping roof from it?

          1. Yes, there are no triangular pieces in Gakken, but you can build a house with any roof. There are plenty of the schemes in the sets and online.

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