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Zip Track

We have this a flexible road for rolling cars. IIt’s name is Zip Track (really similar to a zipper) or Build-A-Road. There should be some additional structures – bridges, sidings or tunnels to create a full-fledged route. But we bought it used some time ago, so we don’t have these elements. However, this is not an obstacle for playing – the children themselves make all the necessary improvements. Our bridge is from a labyrinth for marbles, and the tunnel is Playmobil. Thanks to its great flexibility, you can invent any route option – straight, curved, round. The track is assembled from identical parts that are tightly fastened together, and the gaps do not interfere with the nimble movement of the cars.

Zip Track

1 thought on “Zip Track

  1. Never saw these things. Thank you for posting!

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