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Carousel (Front View)

This set is called Musical Ferris Wheel. The wheel rotates thanks to a tiny motor. You can assemble it in multiple ways.

Carousel (Front View)

7 thoughts on “Carousel (Front View)

  1. You will soon collect the whole amusement park! It’s so cool! Do you have any other thrill rides, aside from musical ferris wheel and the Magformers carousel?

    1. We also made some ferris wheels from ZOOB and Interstar sets 🙂
      We bought the musical ferris wheel last year, but assembled it only now. I think you can still buy it, and it was not expensive for a set like this.

      1. How did you resisted for so long?! I always feel like when you got one thing you dream of, you always will wait for a second one, think about a third, and the fourth is already on horizon…

        1. We also had two small sets of this brand, and we played with them. And now we just decided to assemble the big one.

  2. There is another set you can use to build your amusement park.
    We are very fond of ours.

    1. Nate, thank you for this hint! Our town doen’t have much of these things IRL, but at least we can play with toys. We already started our collection – Thrill Rides will arrive soon, we also will buy Luna park set IRL, and we’ll see how it will go from there. I imagine feelings of the Luna Park boy, when you put him inside of the wheel…!

      1. No problem. Carnivals are great! But when we build an amusement park, we use anything we have.

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