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Genii Creation Playground – What You Can Build

We considered this set for a long time, but it was still out of reach for a number of reasons. It appeared in our house on New Year’s Eve, and during the winter holidays, the girls mostly built according to the proposed samples. During school days, the set rested. And looked from a shelf at the still unconscious junior builder of 1.5 years old, trying to gobble up a couple of beautiful pieces, and hide the rest somewhere. But now the junior builder and great lover of magnetic construction sets has grown up and matured, summer holidays are coming and we will finally be able to create a large magnetic town of Genii Creation together and with common efforts.

Genii Creation Playground - What You Can Build
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Genii Creation Playground

A huge box behind which 7-year-old Alesya is hiding is a set of Genii Creation Playground. Hidden inside are 173 pieces and 3 colorful boxes that you can use on their own. A wonderful set that we have been dreaming about for a long time, and finally got it. It is good on its own and with other Genii Creation sets, it also complements Tegu well.

Genii Creation Playground
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Genii Creation Playground – Inside The Playground

The huge box hides smaller colorful boxes, each containing a small number of pieces. The boxes from the Genii Creation Transportation set have been serving us faithfully for a couple of years. I moved various puzzles and small building sets there. We did the same with the boxes from the Playground set. The huge box itself is unsuitable for storage, the building kit pieces fill up only a small part of it. So all Genii Creation sets was moved into a spacious plastic box.

Genii Creation Playground - Inside The Playground