All pieces in this set are trapezoids equal size. It may look strange at first, but, in fact, this is an optimal form to fill a hexagonal field. The angles of the pieces and the field are actually a perfect match.

These kits with flexible magnetic pieces allow you to create 2D pictures and ornaments on a flat surface. However, they still may be assembled in different ways, and children may express endless creativity with them.
All pieces in this set are trapezoids equal size. It may look strange at first, but, in fact, this is an optimal form to fill a hexagonal field. The angles of the pieces and the field are actually a perfect match.
Another Mosaic Mysteries sets by the manufacturer. Once assembled, the pieces form smooth surface, so you barely can see the seams between the pieces.
Made by Alex (2 years and 10 months old).
Made by Nate (4,5 years old) from magnetic mosaic.
A vintage mosaic from France. Kinda hard to find in USA nowadays.
This set has pieces of many different shapes and colors, including shiny pieces.
A small guy livinig on the moon. Made from Iotobo mosaic.
One of the Iotobo – Mandala Zen mosaic options for true philosophers and meditation lovers. 120 parts, each has size of 20 mm. Only black and white colors. The booklet proposes 50 pictures to build. Everything is packed in a metal tablet-book measuring 18×29 cm. A pocket version in a small metal box (15 cm) – Mandala Zen Mini – has 60 black and white parts. 35 options for meditation. The set is very convenient for travel.
A very big magnetic mosaic kit with lots of pieces. Made in France.
Iotobo Mandala. 300 soft magnetic pieces in 6 colors, magnetic board 30×40 cm, 8 double-sided sheets with some possible designs – 16 large and 48 small.