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30 X-pieces and a booklet – hidden in a small box (right). 30 X form an icosidodecahedron – Leonardo Da Vinci’s favorite polyhedron, which has 30 vertices and consists of 12 pentagons and 20 triangles. Designer and inventor – Roger von Oech – is a well-known specialist in the field of creative thinking 🙂

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Japanese Bunny

Good, high-quality magnetic construction set for kids. Balls have diameter of 5 cm, rods – 8 cm. It contains urved pieces, short and long rods, each of them has its own texture pattern like pimples, convex lines, dents. The colors are pleasant, there are balls and hemispheres that don’t have a magnetic surface at their base.

Japanese Bunny
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Tileblox Rainbow Set

This magnetic tiles set has tiles of standard shapes – they are either squares or triangles. However, this set has an interesting feature – a magnetic building plate you may include in your crafts. Kids can create 2D art attaching tiles to it and creating some figures. The board also holds tiles together, allowing you to build higher or carry your buildings around after they are finished. And if you have a very big magnetic tile collection, this board may act like a roof or a huge solid tile for anything you build.

Here is an example of a craft with a baseplate included.

Tileblox Rainbow Set
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I bought this constructor so that the children could see something magnetical and luminous

Those who held this constructor in their hands will understand my bewilderment, at the first meeting with him – is that SUCH money for that ?! Firstly, not enough, and secondly, the parts made of transparent plastic looked somehow … unimpressive. All skepticism disappeared when we started connecting, recharging in the light, and then looking at the structures in the dark!

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The Piano

In large Tegu sets, in addition to cubes and thin planks, there are also bricks with 6 magnets in them. At the end of a brick there is also a magnet. The bricks were placed between the cubes like the keys in a piano. If you press them, the bricks spring back, almost like in a real piano, only there is no sound, but children voiced it themselves. It turned out a funny piano with one incomplete octave. Invented by Anny (7 years old).

The Piano