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Clics Fire Brigade Set

This set is one of the Clics Fire Brigade series. It contains red and white basic pieces, stickers and extra details like propellers to build firefighter vehicles. The set is relatively small, but the manufacturer proposes 8 models, and you can mix it with any other Clics set.

ClicsToys, a Belgian company established in 2001, operates its very own factory located in Kempen, where they craft the popular Clics building blocks. These building sets mostly have square pieces, all sharing identical form and shape. What sets Clics apart is their ability to connect smoothly at the edges, allowing flexible joint movements.

Using these plastic squares, the creative possibilities are endless, even though Clics sets usually offer relatively few extra pieces and accessories. Some sets may include wheels and decorative panels, but few extra items. The true strength of Clics lies in the generous number of pieces in their sets, allowing you to make even biggest creations with ease. The pieces of Clics are too big to swallow and easy to hold, so they are safe, but some connections can be too tricky to younger kids. So the most sets are recommended for children who are 3 years old or older. However, these sets will be interesting even for the 10-years-olds.

The fundamental building blocks in Clics are square, which naturally leads to the cubic or brick-like structures. However, the great advantage of these blocks is the ability to connect them at various angles, making diverse shapes. Careful assembly can even give you triangular or sloping figures. Nevertheless, the most robust and tough structures in Clics are cube-shaped. Additionally, you can create flat mosaics by combining pieces of different colors.

Clics Fire Brigade Set
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Gears!Gears!Gears! Robot Factory

Robot Factory is a small and fun set by Gears!Gears!Gears! brand. It has 80 pieces – interlocking baseplates, poles, and, of course, gears. There are also robot parts you can connect to each other or to the other parts. There are also springs and rods to put the robot pieces on. With this set, you can build an upright construction, add the axis pieces, and decorate your craft with the gears. Then you can turn a crank on any of these gears, and watch all the connected gears and robot pieces rotate and move.

The pieces of this set are big and sturdy, so they can survive many years of use. This set is not very complicated in its concept, so you can give it to the children you are 3 years old or older. You can also mix the Deluxe set with any other Gear!Gears!Gears! set, enhancing it with extra pieces.

Learning Resources is a popular and well-known toy brand from the USA that specializes in STEM toys. Gears! Gears! Gears! is a series of building sets with moving and rotating gears in them. These gears may have different functions in different sets, but you can mix them and use them together. Gears!Gears!Gears! sets show exactly how the gear transmission works, and you can use them as a colorful and simple explanation of the gear physics.

Gears!Gears!Gears! Robot Factory
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Kid Knex Undersea Friends – Undersea World

This set has 48 kid-sized pieces, including 2-inch-wide red star and stick with length of different lengh between 2 and 9 in. New items include collapsible men compatible with Duplo blocks, bunches of algae, which you can use as an original hairstyle or fins of an fantastic fish . The set also includes 6 in long flexible purple rods, previously Kid Knex produced only red flexible 9 in long rods. The remaining details – flippers, eyes, blocks – will help you create your own underwater world and populate it with magic creatures.

Kid Knex Undersea Friends - Undersea World
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By The House

Made from Igrushin building kit by my son. My dauhter also made this little man in a trenchcoat. The thing right to the house is a well.

Waffle blocks are very popular type of plastic building blocks. In these sets, each piece have pegs and square holes, and you can connect pieces in multiple ways to build both 2D and 3D crafts. The bricks connect to each other seamlessly, almost like in a jigsaw puzzle, so you can make endless combinations in any order you want. There are many brands of waffle building blocks, Gakken and Plus Plus are the most popular and well-known ones. This, however, is rarer Igrushin building kit.

Blocks by different manufacturers may look different. In Plus Plus sets, for example, all blocks are exactly the same, the only difference is color. This old ex-USSR set, however, has pieces of differnet shapes, and some extras, like figurines or wheels. There are also a number of long, bar-like pieces that help connect waffle blocks together. You can stack many waffles on one bar, which helps to create thick and solid crafts.

The waffle blocks themselves are small, each side of a block has only one or two pegs. Some blocks has H-shape and no pegs at all on some sides. This is a downside, because you can’t connect anything on these sides. Sometimes, however, these pieces are very handy, because you can stuck them in small openings to support the craft around it. It all other regards, it is a typical waffle block building kit with small pieces.

By The House
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Kid Knex Undersea Diver

Kid Knex Undersea Friends Diver consists of 7 parts: block with feet, block with hands that don’t move, head, hair, mask, scuba gear and fins. You can only add the fins to the feet with shoes on. So diver’s barefoot friend cant wear them, but they can share a mask and scuba gear. They are cute, we liked them.

Kid Knex Undersea Diver
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K’NEX Cyber-X C10 Crypto Crank

Cyber-X is an unusual line of sets for K’Nex – these sets propose you to build toy guns of different hapes and forms. There are few sets, each offers multiple different guns that actually shoot Nerf-like dart bullets. Cyber-X have some unique pieces, but they are still K’Nex sets with many standard rods and “flakes”.

K'NEX Cyber-X C10 Crypto Crank
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Bauer Building Set With Gears

A carousel building set with gears by Bauer. It’s very similar to Quercetti sets with gears. In this set, however, the baseplates are not similar to puzzle pieces, they look and work like Lego bricks.

Overall, this set looks similar to Lego Duplo and other building sets of this type. There are big, colorful bricks you can stack at each other. The set also has figurines, toy vehicles, trees and other extra pieces. You can build big and cute crafts even without using the gears.

The gears in this set are also big and colorful, they come in different sizes and allow you to make brick platform move and rotate. This set offers to build a carousel that you will be able to rotate using the gears. The set has 177 pieces, but not so many bricks or gears. Many building pieces are parts of the vehicles or decorations, so possibilities of building complex gear strutures are limited with just one set.

This set is a rare one – there are not so many sets that have gears and Lego-like bricks at the same time. Most building sets with gears have big puzzle-like pieces for building purposes, or the gears themselves are the building blocks.

Bauer Building Set With Gears
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Clics Car And Loader

Clics car and a loader made by the same boy. Now doctors have adopted this experience and are recommend this toy to other children.

ClicsToys is a Belgian company that was established in 2001. It makes the well-known Clics building blocks in its own factory in Kempen. Clics building sets have square pieces of identical form and shape. They easily connect at their edges, creating joints you can move.
With These plastic squares, you can create surfaces and fold them into 3D shapes. There are endless possibilities, even though Clics have very few extra pieces and accessories. Some sets have wheels and decorative panels, but this is pretty much it. On the other hand, Clics sets usually have many pieces, so you can create something truly complicated from just one set.
Since the basic pieces of Clics are squares, all the basic forms you can assemble from it are cubic or brick-like. However, thanks to the movable joints, you can assemble them at different angles, creating different shapes.
There are ways to create triangular or sloping figures if you assemble the pieces just right. The cubes, however, are the most sturdy and reliable structures this set can offer. There are also a possibility of creating a flat mosaic, combining the pieces of different colors.

Clics Car And Loader