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Edtoy Gears – Experiments

At first, I had bad opinion about the Edtoy set with gears, but the boys really liked them. The eldest – Afonya (3.5 years old) preferred large, red and yellow ones. And the youngest – Arkhip (2 years old) took all the small blue ones for himself and constantly decorates his simple crafts with them.

Edtoy Gears - Experiments

2 thoughts on “Edtoy Gears – Experiments

  1. Every time I look at the photos of kids with Edtoy with joy, but the set seems to have completely disappeared from online stores.

    1. Maybe there will be more… It’s still available in Korea, China and Japan, so maybe it will be imported again :))) I, frankly, thought that nothing would be more attractive than Magformers, but I was wrong. For kids Edtoy is, of course, more interesting and easy to use.

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