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Guy With A Vacuum Cleaner

A guy with an old-style vacuum cleaner tidying up.

Guy With A Vacuum Cleaner

7 thoughts on “Guy With A Vacuum Cleaner

  1. A very original character! And the vacuum cleaner looks just like real one!

    1. I liked it too! Tatiana, can you tell us, what set the red-and-yellow piece is from?

      1. We have several of these pieces, from different sets. There definitely was one in the Wigglin Monsters set. They were some in The Wild Ones, but since I bought it second-hand, I can’t say for sure if they are actually included in this set.

  2. The Crimpy Critters set has this piece.

    1. Thank you, we don’t have this one. But it has only one of these pieces? Tatiana, do you know how much other sets have.

      1. Sorry, I should said “pieces”. This set has two of them.

        1. Wigglin Monsters also have 2 of these pieces.

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