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Manetico Train Station

Made by Willy, 6,6 years old, from Manetico blocks.

Manetico Train Station

3 thoughts on “Manetico Train Station

  1. Well done, Willy! I will ask my daughters to do something like that at the weekend, their little brother has been asking the station for a long time for his trains from Manetico 🙂 Mary, does Willy complain that there are no magnets on the bottom of the plates? The plates are sliding out sometimes, and my son is very upset about it. We even had an idea to glue a flat magnet from below, but we didn’t try it yet.

    1. Of course, there are not enough magnets on the bottom, his projects often fall apart, but he restores them and completes his plans. Willy was upset about fall of Wedgitsa more than about anything, but we got rid of it. And your idea about gluing the magnetic plate is good!

      1. So, Wedgits didn’t last long in your home? It’s a pity… Marina, please write what you didn’t like about Wedgits, what upset Willy? There are many rave reviews, including ours :), but there are almost no negative reviews about Wedgits. It would be better if a review of Wedgits is left under some craft from it. Thank you in advance!

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