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SmartMax – Home Sweet Home

Before we had time to play enough with roofs and SmartMax panels. We built houses, and towers, and fortresses with slopes, and playgrounds with slides, and garages with parking lots. And SmartMax has already prepared new kits for girls. And as our family experience has shown, boys also love to build houses and flower beds. In the new set there are new panels with a round hole and shutters! They are double-sided or one-sided, a ndcan be opened left and right, and up, as in the attic window. Or you can make a hatch, for example, in the floor. Of course, our favorite are the roofs, and new super-long rods. And a couple of colors were added. In general, at first glance, this is a very worthy set, both as starter, for trial, and as additional set.

SmartMax - Home Sweet Home

2 thoughts on “SmartMax – Home Sweet Home

  1. Tatiana, tell me, please, how do non-magnetic connections behave (panels, machine parts)? How strong are they and do the connections break over time? I saw a negative review on Amazon specifically for these things.

  2. Plastic elements behave well. We have no problems with cars. The parts snap into place on the rod and I never saw them pop off, well, except perhaps unless you throw them with force. But the boys love and cherish these cars very much, so they rarely throw them. There are some parts that hold more loosely, but not to the extent that they come off on their own.
    Tent-like roofs are magnetize wekk, there are no problems with them. The plastic is of good quality. The panels also attach well, we often use them to reinforce buildings. The shutters are easy to insert. Of course, you can probably break the panel by stepping on it, but we haven’t had that yet. Descent bridges are of high quality, without burrs, they don’t deform during the construction process. When constructing bridges and pipelines, it is necessary to add extra fastening to strengthen the slopes and slides, because magnets cannot always support the intended design. And on the rods, the panels hold just fine, sometimes you even have to make some effort to disconnect the panel / slide and the rod. There were also no cases of a broken ball. But still, a building made of magnetic parts with balls as connecting elements can’t be riged, unlike, for example, a building made of cubes. You need to be careful not to to move or not to destroy the structure bumping it with your elbow or putting a car on in with force. But still, no complaints about the quality!

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