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Chinese Disneyland Fantasy

This is a Chinese Quircetti gears clone set. The name of the set is “Amusement Park”. This includes a carousel with horses, a Ferris wheel, and a slide where a car slides down. The mechanism that rotates the entire structure is hidden in the house. It seems like in other sets have music, but this one doesn’t, it just spins. It’s a very funny toy when assembled. The horses on the carousel go up and down as they rotate, the car slides down the hill (you have to catch it in time), there are two palm trees – one of them spins. The second was supposed to be hit by the car, but we lost the trunk, so the car flies away completely into nowhere. The people figurines are cute and rubbery. You can buy other sets of this series in this series and combine them.

This set is very similar to Quercetti Gears sets. The set includes several base plates that fit together like puzzle pieces. Nearly half the time these are in use at our house, they’ve been transformed into intriguing boxes. So, they’re not just basic pieces but are captivating structures in their own right. The second set of pieces has support structures, which are tubes and joints that interlock to create sturdy poles.

In addition to the gears, this set also comes with attachments like chains and rubber bands. You can use them to connect groups of gears that would otherwise be separate. Also, you can use them with other toys and building sets.

Chinese Disneyland Fantasy