Technobot Pterosaurus. Figurines standing on their own. The warrior figurine is 1.7 in high, the pterosaur figurine is 3 in high.

Technobot Pterosaurus. Figurines standing on their own. The warrior figurine is 1.7 in high, the pterosaur figurine is 3 in high.
It shoots toy bullets and is actually powerful. There are two shooting turrets, they are mounted on both sides of the warrior’s chair. But the set had only one spring, so we loaded one weapon and removed the second for now.
The chair for the figurine, view from above. It goes on the pterosaurus’ back.
Leg pieces also have both the ball joints and the pegs.
You assemble the body from its two halves, and the base of the neck goes inside. Some pieces connect with joints, some with pegs.
He looks very life-like! The fingers especially impressed me.
General view of the toy. There are no alternative building options, it is a toy you just have to assemble.