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All our family contributed to it! Made from Kid K’Nex.


8 thoughts on “THE DOG WE MADE!!

  1. So cute! And it has a beard. It is certainly a Knex-terrier :)))

    1. Thank you! We thought a lot about how to make a dog’s nose (a real, bulging one). So we also made a beard along the way.

  2. Me and my daughter loved your doggo so much! Thank you for the idea. Your nose construction is GENIUS, hats off! Now we want to make a dog like that, too.

  3. Jane, how you connected the red base of dog’s head to the green body behind it? The nose gets in the way. Can you take a photo from behind to show how the head and the nose are connected to the green body? Our head is always tilted to the side, can we make it straight?

    1. It’s the same as in the building set booklet.

      1. Got it, thank you. But this building style makes the neck too thin :). And what about the donkey, how its haed and nose are connected?

        1. The Donkey has the same conection. But the head turns out to be way too heavy (nose, ears). So the Donkey don’t stand too steady, it always trips over…

          1. Yes, he fall. So I connected the head differently, without a neck. Thank you!

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