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Its very beautiful and imposing, as long as you ignore thu hole in the set.


8 thoughts on “Throne

  1. Cool throne! Great headboard and armrests! But how to sit on it, wouldn’t the one who sits fall through?

    1. It may very well be… There was not enough standard pieces, so there is some intrigue we ended up with.

  2. Great idea – very realistic! A+ job!

    1. Thank you. I always thought that until the set falls into Danny’s hands, Johnny and I will not understand all its charms.

      1. And older children always open the most hidden sides of the set :))) A real throne, indeed! Or a throne for the little prince, then the hole is in its rightful place :)))

        1. Yes, so that the prince is not often distracted from his duties as heir.))) And the nannies will do everything …

  3. What a wonderful throne! Just great!

    1. Exactly! It looks like a real Pope’s chair!!!

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