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Ginimag – Korean Magformers

Ginimag magnetic parts are of excellent quality, if not for the cross inside, it would be indistinguishable from the original Magformers. They magnetize just as well and the colors are nice. The big blue rectangle in the top left, the yellow square in the center, and the red triangle in the bottom right are Magformers.

Ginimag - Korean Magformers
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The robot has a large screw on its back, its arms are movable thanks to special plastic inserts in the squares. Square parts with a cross in the middle are from the Korean brand Ginimag, as well as the green-blue wheels, the mount of which is inserted into the holes in the squares and triangles. The wheel mount, unfortunately, is weak, it breaks.
Once again we are very pleased with the wonderful properties of the Magformes constructor. Going on a summer vacation and stocking up on games and toys for children of different ages, you can safely exclude everything and leave only Magformers. It fully satisfies the needs of one-year-old toddlers, and girls of primary school age, and even teenagers skeptical of real games, who suddenly discovered the absence of the Internet on a summer vacation. And it’s alsi impossible to scatter it in a car, details around will definitely not fly around the vehicle.

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Aesop – The Fox And The Crow

Its 3rd class. We learn already familir fable by heart.

A Fox was wandering through the woods one morning looking for food. He spotted a Crow sitting on a tree branch with a piece of cheese in her beak. The Fox thought to himself that this would be a perfect breakfast. He approached the tree and said to the Crow, “Good morning, beautiful creature!” And so on…

Aesop - The Fox And The Crow
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Magformers Math Set

This Magformers set is an interesting one. As far as I know, it is the only educational set with unique pieces. While they still have stadard shapes and sizes, all pieces in this set have anglee degree written on them. This helps children understand angles and geomentry in 3D space. These rounded pieces of plastic in corners also give the frames unusual look.

Magformers Math Set