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Smartmax – 2 Slides

A structure for lowering cars from slides can be called a parking lot, or, anything else. For example, a garage 🙂 A 2-year-old child plays with it simply – he puts cars on and slides them down. Between the slides, the girls arranged a gazebo – I don’t know what the cars may need it for. But their brother didn’t mind, he even decorated it with a flower. The roof in the gazebo was made of curved rods. This was before the opening of another SmartMax set – Flower Palace, which has full hipped roofs.

Smartmax - 2 Slides
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Smartmax – 2 Slides

Another option – in this case, 2 slides connect different surfaces, like the table and the shelf. So the cars, descending on them, pass over the abyss. The length of the slide allows you to create a very dangerous deep abyss or canyon where an evil dragon or other monster can live. So the storyline in the game with the SmartMax constructor is guaranteed.

Smartmax - 2 Slides
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Smatrmax Orange Barrel – Contents

Decent set! Initially I was not sure about the reliability of Smartmax cars. So I could not stop at any of the many Smartmax sets with vehicles. And then we came across … a barrel. It contains several parts for creating vehicles, 4 pairs of wheels, 3 types of multi-colored rods – long, short and rounded, 6 balls. You can’t build many cars at once, but you certainly 2 different ones, and there are many combinations. We will buy our amgnets and cars enthusiast other sets in the future.

Smatrmax Orange Barrel - Contents
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Smartmax Cars – Mounting

Smartmax has many parts for constructing various vehicles – wheels, cabs, bodies, buckets, fire ladders, etc. For a long time, I looked at these sets with doubt, believing that these parts would not hold well and will fall off. But no, the parts are not held by a magnetic connection, but are attached directly to a magnetic rod. Everything snaps into place and doesn’t move anywhere else.

However, most parts – a bucket, a fire ladder and others, are first attached to the cabin. And if you have only one cabin, it will not be possible to attach multiple pieces at the same time. For example, you can’t combine a fire truck with a bulldozer, or a truck with a bulldozer. So you will need a second or even third cabin. Additional (non-magnetic parts) have round holes with 2 or more protrusions. When you insert one piece into another, you get a slightly crackling, but strong joint. The bucket moves up and down, you can put it in a certain position, just like the ladder.

Smartmax Cars - Mounting