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Iotobo Magic Forest

Result of younger daughters working together. There was a job for everyone. In the center mother and daughter Trees on a walk in the forest. The youngest Christmas Tree is a healthy child, so she has a carrot in her hand. Butterflies fly around, mushrooms and flowers grow. The sun is a necessary attribute of optimism and good mood, of course, so it is also present. There is also a wasp – and it is no coincidence, since that this year we had a huge number of wasps. And if at first the children ran away from them, after a few days even Alesya knocked them off course with light snaps of her fingers. So the wasp in the picture was based on a real one.

Iotobo Magic Forest

2 thoughts on “Iotobo Magic Forest

  1. Very beautiful! You made it interesting than in the manuals for this mosaic you posted before)))

    1. Thank you! The younger ones worked very enthusiastically, they really tried.

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