A Magformers boat with “window” pieces. Note that the windows also have the same color the frames have.

A Magformers boat with “window” pieces. Note that the windows also have the same color the frames have.
We used Kid Knex and Duplo parts in this one. The new Kid Knex men can attach to the Duplo 2×2 block, but not to the plate. If you try to do it, figurines’ toes interfere, because here the little men sit with their legs dangling.
Italian Plastwood Piccoli Mundi magnetic building kit.
Partially assembled by the manufacturer’s instructions by 6,6-years-old Willy.
A snail always takes its house along. Made by Danny.
Waffle blocks like this Little Tikes big waffle block set are popular building toys. However, most waffle blocks are small toys. These are unusually big – big enough for small children to sin on crafts they build. They are flat and have matching pegs on their sides. You can assemble these pieces in 2D and 3D shapes, and in different positions.
Pieces of this set have an unusually big number of pegs on them – far more than pieces of Gakken and Plus Plus. The pieces have wall patterns, windows, round openings, and other similar decorations. Some panels have the same shape, but no decoration at all. The basic models the set offers are houses and castles. However, you can build anything else from these interlocking squares and triangles. These triangular pieces are in fact less common in waffle block sets. Gakken sets, for example, severely lack them. On the other hand, this set doesn’t have arches and other similar pieces, which somewhat limits the building possibilities. The houses are the things these waffle blocks make best, and, sadly, there are no options for, say, cars with moving wheels.
However, since the pieces are so big, you will have many unusual possibilities with this set, whic is more small kids furniture and playground than a common toy.
A picture from the set’s package showing all kinds of fantastic creatures proposed by the manufacturer.
Alternative craft from the K’Nex Thrill Rides set. The blue box in the craft’s base is a motor.
This thing has no motor and can’t move on its own, but its still very pretty.
Made from SmartMax set. We mostly used parts from the Flower Palace set.