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The set is small, it has only 37 parts – 13 glow sticks 58 mm long, 10 steel balls, 7 transparent panels – 6 triangular and 1 pentagonal, and 7 pictures with a pattern. We collected the suggested bat and the younger ones played with it in the dark. It’s possible to build a pyramid with spooky eyes or a spider’s web as well. The structure holds together well and glows brightly, it’s a pity the camera was useless in the dark. The set is compatible with other sets from the GEOMAG KIDS Color and the GEOMAG KIDS Panels series – there are also 58 mm sticks and the same large panels.

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We made it with Alesya using the GEOMAG KIDS Panels sets, improving it during the assembly process. We started making a turtle, but it turned out to be something with ears, eyes, and a long tail. Alesya confidently named it a lizard. The strong magnets easily allowed us to carry the creature to the balcony so it can enjoy some fresh air and eat some grass.

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Pink Castle

GEOMAG KIDS Panels Sets, regardless of color, have one negative quality – there are always not enough panels and sticks. The pink set is no exception. There are 142 parts in the set, but when we start building, we find out that it will not be possible to complete the super castle – from one set of GEOMAG KIDS Panels Girl you will only get such a modest castle of a poor princess, I even had to grab some pink sticks from the GEOMAG KIDS Color Girl set.

Pink Castle
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Geomag Pink Panels

The new set of Geomag magnetic construction sets for girls – GEOMAG KIDS Panels Girl – contains not only large panels, but also small ones – square and triangular. A large square pink panel in the center is two-sided, it is supposed to hold pictures in it on both sides. Pictures are also attached to the set – two with images of dogs, but my girls rejected the pictures, they didn’t like them. A large number of picture-inserts are present in sets with a house – GEOMAG KIDS World my House and a castle – GEOMAG KIDS World my Castle, there are even black-and-white insert pictures for self-coloring. Small panels from the pink set can be used on their own with small Geomag sticks.

Geomag Pink Panels