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Tegu Explorer Set

The new Tegu set comes in in 3 color options. The set contains 40 parts – 8 very long (18 cm), 8 standard (12 cm) and 8 short (6 cm) planks, 4 long (3x3x18 cm) and 4 short (3x3x9 cm) pillars or prisms with a square at the base, 4 large (base – 12 cm) and 4 small (base – 9 cm) trapezoids. It can be both independent and additional set for construction. For irresponsible buyers who have not yet experienced all the charm of Honduras landscaping, there is a smaller and cheaper Tegu – Endeavor Set of 22 parts (without trapezoids and long pillars). It has 6 very long dies, 8 short prism pillars , 4 standard and 4 short dies.

Tegu Explorer Set
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