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Tegu Future – Magnetron – Composition Of The Set

It has pleasant shades of natural and blue. We liked the presence of solar panels, caterpillars, triangular prisms, parallelograms. Robot lovers will surely be delighted.

Tegu Future - Magnetron - Composition Of The Set

2 thoughts on “Tegu Future – Magnetron – Composition Of The Set

  1. What can I say … this time we were disappointed by the box. Previous Tegu sets came in thick cardboard boxes that traveled with us in the car and lived in a tent, children stepped on them, sometimes with wet feet, dragged them through the grass and laid out on the floor in the tent, but the boxes passed the test with the flying colors. And we didn’t want to stop using them, even while the original packaging rarely stays with us and the sets migrate to transparent containers. The new Magnetron set arrived in a flimsy box with a transparent screen and a hinged lid, the cardboard of it will fit only for gluing something. Inside, there are 2 floors of cardboard structures, also unreliable and unnecessary, with recesses for figures, and no one will lay out the details in their places. Storage of heavy parts, and especially transportation, (and Tegu is our most traveling sets), is impossible with such fragile thing, so we will look for a suitable box.
    About pieces. Yes, the combination of blue and natural fascinated our 3-year-old boy. And the girls liked it, despite the obvious engineering theme of the Magnetron. Looking at the set, Afonya immediately identified potential auto parts, pointed out the wheels. The wheels, by the way, are improved with metal rivets. With additional wheels, you can build 2 cars at once. The details, resembling the shape of a simple passenger car, pleased us with the abundance of magnets, and, in general, other pieces also have enough magnets. Even the robot’s face, has magnets at the bottom and on the top, so our robot immediately got a hat. Any magnetic accessories are suitable for this lively (after all, there is a face) set, and even ask for it here. Along with the Tegu Magnetron, the Smartmax Drive and Fly set appeared in our arsenal, and it has an airplane with wonderful red propellers. And of course, these red propellers perfectly matched the Tegu robots.

    1. Summing up, I will say that in general, we liked the set. The details with blue circles, the solar panels, the rope detail were new and therefore attracted our attention, many ideas for building came up. The quality of Tegu is good, there is nothing to say here, it’s nice to take smooth blocks and cubes in your hands. The magnets could be a little stronger… With a high probability, we will add additional magnetic details in the game with it.

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