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Weirdos From The Suitcase

We too want to participate in filling out the BuildKitPedia! We recently purchased a suitcase of the KidK`nex children’s construction set. It contained 70 (!) parts and a colorful instruction poster with 50 possible models. My daughter really liked this set, and together with her we immediately made all sorts of weird creatures. Our six characters are crafts from this suitcase.

Weirdos From The Suitcase

5 thoughts on “Weirdos From The Suitcase

  1. Kate, could you tell us in more detail, please, where I can purchase such a set?

    1. Jane, please write me via email, I’ll send you the info I have.

      1. Wrote you on email with the same question.

  2. I saw a review of the Rocking Robots 85040 Construction Set, it says that the eyes can open and close. Kate, what about the eyes in this set?

    1. No, there are 3 pairs of eyes in this set and they are all non-closable. But there are so many other necessary details that this drawback is not noticeable at all.

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