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Welcome to BuildKitPedia

As a mother of a big family, I was genuinely captivated by children’s toys when our little ones came into our lives. What initially seemed like mere sources of entertainment turned out to be a vast world of opportunities for our children’s development. Among all the toys, we discovered that children’s building blocks were the most productive in nurturing their creative abilities. Watching my own kids play and use their imagination has been really great.

Motivated by this realization, we embarked on a journey of exploration with our kids, purchasing various construction sets and building kits. As our children constructed their imaginative creations, we started capturing these moments through photography. It soon dawned on me that this experience might be of interest to others as well. Thus, I made the decision to create a website that would unite all those who share our passion for children’s building blocks.

Later, parents from all around the world joined us. They sent us their ideas and pictures of buildings. People from different parts of the world shared what they had found.

People from the countries that used to be part of the USSR were very active. The Encyclopedia of Building Sets has a lot of Building Sets and Blocks from the Soviet Union and other socialist countries, like Germany and the Czech Republic. We started making the website 20 years ago, but it wasn’t on its own platform. It was on a page of a very good toy store’s website.

Sadly, things don’t last forever. The store closed, and we got all our files. These files were lying on the home computer for many years without any movement. Only during the time of COVID, I finally organized this database.

I know that the pictures taken 15-20 years ago with old cameras aren’t of high resolution. Also, the platform that hosted our site made the pictures smaller because the internet was very slow back then. You might remember a time when you had to make phone calls to connect to the internet.

Even so, I felt really bad that this stuff might just get thrown away. So I decided to bring it back. I mixed these older pictures with ones of new, colorful building sets from Amazon. Most of these manufacturers are still around and working. For the ones that are really old, from the time of the Soviets, or if the manufacturers don’t exist anymore, I tried to find similar ones on Amazon.

It was important to me that the website could support itself. Referral links help with this. “As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.” Sometimes, I had to do a lot of research on Amazon to tell apart real building sets from fake ones. There are a lot of fake ones out there.

To me, pseudo-building kits are sets of pieces where kids are told to build just one thing, following the instructions. A real building set should let kids use their imagination and create lots of different buildings, figures, and models from the same pieces.

I invite you to add your memories, thoughts, links, and pictures to this encyclopedia. I am also open to suggestions for improving our catalog, as we strive to create a resource that meets the needs and interests of all engaged participants.

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Room Guardian

There are big guardian spirits of the big places, and this is a tiny one, he guards just one room. First Alesya made a stick, then a second one. We them together. It looked very much like a ladder, so we decided that we needed to add more step. So we made a ladder and put it opright to the closet, then Alesya said that we needed legs so that the ladder would stand better. But when we attached the legs, we realized that, like Papa Carlo, we made someone. Now he stands there, guarding the room. All the pieces are from Zoob Jr. construction kit.

Back in 1997, inventor Michael Grey introduced Zoob, a toy inspired by the science of motion and organism development. Zoob represents an acronym for Zoology, Ontology, Ontogeny, and Botany. Each set has rod-like pieces with joint balls and sockets on their ends. Each of these balls has small bumps on its surface, so the joints can both move and stay in a certain position if you need them to.

Zoob building sets have won awards because they’re different from regular building blocks. They use plastic pieces that snap together, like gears and joints, to build all kinds of objects, limited only by your imagination. After you build something with Zoob Jr. construction kit, you can actually play with it – the pieces were designed to move after being assembled, so you can have fun with the toys you create.

Zoobs are great for helping children improve their fine motor skills. The pieces are small enough to easily manipulate and put them together, but they’re not too tiny like some other toys, so it’s easier for kids who find small objects tricky.

Room Guardian
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Taikon Pipe Of Peace

A Pipe of Peace is made from a construction set Saxoflute and decorated with Taikon.

Building straws, also known as building tubes, are a popular type of construction set with unique possibilities. They allow you to create silhouettes and contours of different objects and animals. All crafts from these sets can bend and move, so kids can actually play with their creations.

Instead of blocks, these sets have flexible plastic tubes, that look and act like soft cocktail straws. They can bend in any way and hold any position you want. The tubes usually attach to each other with special plastic connectors. The connectors can look and work differently in the different sets, but there are always many ways the straws can connect. The most common version is hard pins that go inside the straw’s hollow end, fixing it in place. Some connectors of this type have only one or two pins, some may have eight or ten. They also can have different forms, like sharp corners or straight rods. However, this connection type usually means that you can connect the straws only with their ends, and never with their middles.

These straws have great building potential, but, sadly, they can’t hold their shape under pressure (unlike, say, block towers that can hold something on their top). The straws’ building possibilities also depend on how long they are.

Taikon Pipe Of Peace
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Kid Knex Undersea Friends – Undersea World

This set has 48 kid-sized pieces, including 2-inch-wide red star and stick with length of different lengh between 2 and 9 in. New items include collapsible men compatible with Duplo blocks, bunches of algae, which you can use as an original hairstyle or fins of an fantastic fish . The set also includes 6 in long flexible purple rods, previously Kid Knex produced only red flexible 9 in long rods. The remaining details – flippers, eyes, blocks – will help you create your own underwater world and populate it with magic creatures.

Kid Knex Undersea Friends - Undersea World
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Kid Knex Undersea Diver

Kid Knex Undersea Friends Diver consists of 7 parts: block with feet, block with hands that don’t move, head, hair, mask, scuba gear and fins. You can only add the fins to the feet with shoes on. So diver’s barefoot friend cant wear them, but they can share a mask and scuba gear. They are cute, we liked them.

Kid Knex Undersea Diver
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Magnetic Castles By Kebotoy

Another manufacturer of magnetic castles is Kebotoy brand. We have other similiar castles, but from an unnamed manufacturer. The only problem we had with Kebotoy is that, judging by the description on Amazon, this manufacturer is not so generous with openwork details and windows, there are not so many of them in sets.

Magnetic Castles By Kebotoy
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Clics Car And Loader

Clics car and a loader made by the same boy. Now doctors have adopted this experience and are recommend this toy to other children.

ClicsToys is a Belgian company that was established in 2001. It makes the well-known Clics building blocks in its own factory in Kempen. Clics building sets have square pieces of identical form and shape. They easily connect at their edges, creating joints you can move.
With These plastic squares, you can create surfaces and fold them into 3D shapes. There are endless possibilities, even though Clics have very few extra pieces and accessories. Some sets have wheels and decorative panels, but this is pretty much it. On the other hand, Clics sets usually have many pieces, so you can create something truly complicated from just one set.
Since the basic pieces of Clics are squares, all the basic forms you can assemble from it are cubic or brick-like. However, thanks to the movable joints, you can assemble them at different angles, creating different shapes.
There are ways to create triangular or sloping figures if you assemble the pieces just right. The cubes, however, are the most sturdy and reliable structures this set can offer. There are also a possibility of creating a flat mosaic, combining the pieces of different colors.

Clics Car And Loader
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SmartMax – Roofs

We liked the Flower Palace for its flowers and roofs. Flowers were familiar to us – they appeared in our magnetic collection long ago, with some of the earlier SmartMax kits. And we successfully used them with Magtastik and Bornimago constructors. But when there are many flowers, it is always bright and beautiful. But the roofs from the Flower Palace set simply won us over. You can use them in the usual classic way, like roofs, or you can turn them over and get a vase (in the post below with a magnetic bouquet). As you know, there are never too many details, but still, even from such a quantity, we got a quite spacious 2-storey house, with a ramp for cars (taken from the Basic Stunt set) and a flower gazebo.

SmartMax - Roofs