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Itty Bitty Spider And His House

The Japanese magnetic constructor is packed in a plastic box with a lid, which, in turn, is the base for construction. Sockets for balls are in the corners of the rectangular cover. You can place 2 hemispheres in the center of the lid, and there are also 4 holes for installing rods. So everything is thought out.

Itty Bitty Spider And His House
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Magna-Tiles Working Trucks

What’s inside the kit – 4 bases with wheels, 2 trailers with 2 wheels, parts to build a concrete mixer, bulldozer, tractor, garbage truck. There are cabins for cars and trucks. There are flashing lights, there are front attachments with headlights, which children insist on calling eyes. The photo shows all the parts of this set. The magnets hold the parts well, but when you move the car with a trailer, it’s better to support the trailer with your hand.

Magna-Tiles Working Trucks
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HABA Fantasia Magnetic Mosaic

95 bright small wooden pieces. The name corresponds to the content. Any scene is fantasized quickly, easily and without any complications. In the picture a boy with a cat at a broken gate (he hit with a ball, but the ball flew away). The bells are blossoming in the bushes, but they look more like candles from a birthday cake. All the details of the blue color went to the bright blue sky, and its nothing that they are of different shapes, but the blue is all over the sky! The picture was done within 2 minutes, then the author sped away as quickly as he created it. All in all, a very cheerful mosaic.

HABA Fantasia Magnetic Mosaic