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Clics Boat

I want to show you our Clics boat. We sailed on it to so many different places!

ClicsToys is a Belgian company that was established in 2001. It makes the well-known Clics building blocks in its own factory in Kempen. Clics building sets have square pieces of identical form and shape. They easily connect at their edges, creating joints you can move.
With These plastic squares, you can create surfaces and fold them into 3D shapes. There are endless possibilities, even though Clics have very few extra pieces and accessories. Some sets have wheels and decorative panels, but this is pretty much it. On the other hand, Clics sets usually have many pieces, so you can create something truly complicated from just one set.
Since the basic pieces of Clics are squares, all the basic forms you can assemble from it are cubic or brick-like. However, thanks to the movable joints, you can assemble them at different angles, creating different shapes.
There are ways to create triangular or sloping figures if you assemble the pieces just right. The cubes, however, are the most sturdy and reliable structures this set can offer. There are also a possibility of creating a flat mosaic, combining the pieces of different colors.

Clics Boat
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Smartmax Cars – Mounting

Smartmax has many parts for constructing various vehicles – wheels, cabs, bodies, buckets, fire ladders, etc. For a long time, I looked at these sets with doubt, believing that these parts would not hold well and will fall off. But no, the parts are not held by a magnetic connection, but are attached directly to a magnetic rod. Everything snaps into place and doesn’t move anywhere else.

However, most parts – a bucket, a fire ladder and others, are first attached to the cabin. And if you have only one cabin, it will not be possible to attach multiple pieces at the same time. For example, you can’t combine a fire truck with a bulldozer, or a truck with a bulldozer. So you will need a second or even third cabin. Additional (non-magnetic parts) have round holes with 2 or more protrusions. When you insert one piece into another, you get a slightly crackling, but strong joint. The bucket moves up and down, you can put it in a certain position, just like the ladder.

Smartmax Cars - Mounting
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Zip Track

We have this a flexible road for rolling cars. IIt’s name is Zip Track (really similar to a zipper) or Build-A-Road. There should be some additional structures – bridges, sidings or tunnels to create a full-fledged route. But we bought it used some time ago, so we don’t have these elements. However, this is not an obstacle for playing – the children themselves make all the necessary improvements. Our bridge is from a labyrinth for marbles, and the tunnel is Playmobil. Thanks to its great flexibility, you can invent any route option – straight, curved, round. The track is assembled from identical parts that are tightly fastened together, and the gaps do not interfere with the nimble movement of the cars.

Zip Track
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Building From Cubes

Chicco animals consist of body cubes and rattle heads. The little people also have hands. The Little house set includes a cute ratchet key. You can place all these things on a plastic plate, and arrange the cubes on it in any order. There are only small cross-shaped stops to prevent the cubes from sliding. Heads and roofs are not magnetic. The kids became obsessed with the tractor, it’s big and we have a wonderful purple cow driving it. There are details in the form of a mailbox, a flower, a tree (there is no tree in this photo – Alesya loved it so much that she doesn’t give it to anyone and hides it somewhere).

Chicco is a well-known and popular brand of all things for infants and toddlers. Chicco mostly makes strollers and other similar items, but there are also Chicco toys, like these building cubes. They are big, and colorful, have simple pictures on their sides, and are easy to grab and connect.

This set looks very simple, but it is a good toy for smaller children, with many connecting possibilities and ways to play. You can build vehicles, animals, and houses, and use cubes as both 3D shapes and simple pictures. It’s a good way to enhance a toddler’s imagination and a safe way to occupy the child for a long. It’s a shame that these sets are not that common, even while the idea is pretty obvious.

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Super Magformers

The side of the square is 13 cm, and the side of the triangle is 12 cm. 10 shades of colors, piece have the same color on both sides, which distinguishes this set from the previous ones. The photo shows the whole set – 12 triangles, 18 squares. Box 40x30x7 cm. There are no instructions for this set, only a few of the simplest samples on the box. The set is perfect for the smallest builders – the details are large and even a simple house will be very solid. Also a great addition to existing Magformers sets. The big triangle is fully equal 4 small triangles put together, and the big square equals 4 small squares. You can see the details on the photo below.

Super Magformers