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Clics New Style Basketball

A stand for palying basketball. We made it from a Clics construstor.

ClicsToys is a Belgian company that was established in 2001. It makes the well-known Clics building blocks in its own factory in Kempen. Clics building sets have square pieces of identical form and shape. They easily connect at their edges, creating joints you can move.

With These plastic squares, you can create surfaces and fold them into 3D shapes. There are endless possibilities, even though Clics have very few extra pieces and accessories. Some sets have wheels and decorative panels, but this is pretty much it. On the other hand, Clics sets usually have many pieces, so you can create something truly complicated from just one set.

Since the basic pieces of a Clics construstor are squares, all the basic forms you can assemble from it are cubic or brick-like. However, thanks to the movable joints, you can assemble them at different angles, creating different shapes.
There are ways to create triangular or sloping figures if you assemble the pieces just right. The cubes, however, are the most sturdy and reliable structures this set can offer. There are also a possibility of creating a flat mosaic, combining the pieces of different colors.

Clics New Style Basketball
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Geomag Pink Panels

The new set of Geomag magnetic construction sets for girls – GEOMAG KIDS Panels Girl – contains not only large panels, but also small ones – square and triangular. A large square pink panel in the center is two-sided, it is supposed to hold pictures in it on both sides. Pictures are also attached to the set – two with images of dogs, but my girls rejected the pictures, they didn’t like them. A large number of picture-inserts are present in sets with a house – GEOMAG KIDS World my House and a castle – GEOMAG KIDS World my Castle, there are even black-and-white insert pictures for self-coloring. Small panels from the pink set can be used on their own with small Geomag sticks.

Geomag Pink Panels
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Itty Bitty Spider And His House

The Japanese magnetic constructor is packed in a plastic box with a lid, which, in turn, is the base for construction. Sockets for balls are in the corners of the rectangular cover. You can place 2 hemispheres in the center of the lid, and there are also 4 holes for installing rods. So everything is thought out.

Itty Bitty Spider And His House