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We made it with Alesya using the GEOMAG KIDS Panels sets, improving it during the assembly process. We started making a turtle, but it turned out to be something with ears, eyes, and a long tail. Alesya confidently named it a lizard. The strong magnets easily allowed us to carry the creature to the balcony so it can enjoy some fresh air and eat some grass.

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Iotobo Magic Forest

Result of younger daughters working together. There was a job for everyone. In the center mother and daughter Trees on a walk in the forest. The youngest Christmas Tree is a healthy child, so she has a carrot in her hand. Butterflies fly around, mushrooms and flowers grow. The sun is a necessary attribute of optimism and good mood, of course, so it is also present. There is also a wasp – and it is no coincidence, since that this year we had a huge number of wasps. And if at first the children ran away from them, after a few days even Alesya knocked them off course with light snaps of her fingers. So the wasp in the picture was based on a real one.

Iotobo Magic Forest